Friday, August 26, 2005

Münster, Tinguely and Depp.

Now at Michelle and Charlie's lovely flat in Berlin... but have only been here since midday so don't have much Berlin/German news to tell. So, last days in Basel...

Michelle is giving me German lessons: "Das ist geil!" Meaning "that is cool" but literally meaning horny or randy!

Ok, sorry, got distracted. That wasn't about Basel. But this is: On Thursday me and Nadia went to the Münster (cathedral?) which had some beautiful stained glass windows... including one we thought depicted Satan - only i always imagine him/her in a spiffy straight-leg red suit or looking more like a rock god Mick Jagger style ... but I guess that image wasn't around when this church was being built! So anyway, the chap in the long flowing red robes and kind of horn-type things sticking out of his head, grumpy and surly lookin' turned out to be Moses, not Satan. How disappointment.

I was able to talk the hight-phobic Nadia into climbing up one of the two tall towers that stick out the top of the Münster. Quite unnerving in some places: narrow old spiral stone stair cases, only lit by the small windows so some bits were kind of dark and nothing but a robe to hold onto by way of support. But the views from the top were amazing, could see the whole town laid out, full of churches and its lego-like window shutters on every second building.

Then we went to the Tinguely Museum, which was the art work of this (i think French) bloke who made a whole lot of mechanical type sculptures which do stuff, move around, make sounds, some playing musical instruments (mainly purcussion), quite a few with skulls and bits of dead animal (including one with a hippo skull), lots with cogs and wheels and once you could climb all over. And my favourite one was one where you press a button and then slowly, slowly, then all of a sudden a fluffy toy is hit on the head with a hammer! Ha! ... Then we went home exhausted, a little bit rained on, and didn't get to the main supermarket in time and had to restock my chocolate stash from the late-night shops at the station. Ah well, swiss chocolate is swiss chocolate, is it not?

Das ist geil! Geil, mate, geil. ... oh yeah, we also done went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - which i LOVED - then extended that into a Festival Of Johnny Depp (is there any other kind?!) by watching Pirates of the BoySeaSluts on Nadia's upstairs neighbour's laptop - everyone cheering when Captain Jack first appeared! BUT if any of my Berlin or UK buddies want to see Charlie and the pedophile that is Johnny Depp dipped in Chocolate (is there any other kind!) again, then I`d be up for it!!

Ok, well, I shall stop being rude to Mich and Charlie and go and talk rather then type! Tschüss!


At August 27, 2005 9:18 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...

i think maybe the bloke you saw in the stained glass with the horns and the robey thing was actually johnny depp coated in many many layers of chocolate and dressed up to be horny (geil) moses... we couldn't figure out why moses had horns, either. or why everyone was waving an english flag (heh - st gorges cross seems to get around a bit!). now i must go and entertain some jews - some with little hatty things, some with wigs, some with neither of those things (they will be smited by the hammer of god, like a fluffy toy). tschusseeeeeee!

At September 26, 2005 12:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Moses sometimes have horns? What is that!?! Maybe there's something he's not telling one of his parents was a moutain goat...

Jonny S.


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