Saturday, October 15, 2005

Slightly mysterious bruises ...

Hello all,
I'll try and write a less crazy gummi bear obsessed blog this time. ("Try" being the operative word!) I am right now in Prague and kind of exhausted after 6 hours travelling and 4 trains! What is with travelling and mysterious bruises? I can't explain it but my right thigh (only the right, mind you) looks like some sort of impressionist painting if you squint at it in the right light. As I said, mysterious. (... or it could just be the way my case hits my leg when I lug it up stairs.)

I will now try to give you more of a picture of Salzburg that my last entry, even though I was only there for 2 nights so I can't really claim to be an authority (or even remember how to spell authrotihy.) Parts of Salzburg of really cheesy and kitsch and touristy - all Sound of Music-this, Mozart-that. It is where the former was filmed and the latter was born. I did go to the Mozart museums at his birthplace and where he lived for the first 24 years of his life (to think, someone will do that for Nth Fitzroy and Carlton for me one day! Maybe...) and I saw the little violin he played he was a kiddie and his concert violin - so that was rather cool.

I also spent some time hanging out at the Mirabell gardens which are beautiful and no doubt feature in the Sound of Music somewhere, if you want to look. The gardens and nearby palace were built by some prince-archbishop for his mistress (Wold Dietrich=price-archibishop, year=1606, the Lonely Planet helpfully informs me. Mistress=no name given=Mirabell perhaps? ... I still wish the Lonely Plant was, in fact, the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, a la Douglas Adams, and it would talk to me in Stephen Fry's voice!). I want someone to build me a palace and gardens! Do you think I'll have to be someone's mistress first? Or would just changing my name to Mirabell be enough?

I also partook of a very nice stoll around the old part of town and then walked up the 400-something steps to the fortress on a hill above the town, then walked across the hill, though some rather delightful woodland and quite by accident navigated myself a nice round trip, ending up back in the old town where I picked up a studel for my lunch. Which I ate by the river while reading Pride and Prejudice. Did I mention it was lovely and sunny and perfect temperature - not too warm, not too cold. Very very nice.

And now I am in Prague, at a a hostel called Sir Toby's which so far seems to be utterly wonderful (thank you Julia & Erin for recommending it!). Hopefully it will provide me with the most important thing: a good night's sleep. So then I'll have the energy to explore Prague over the next few days. Tons of Aussies and Americans here - but so far that's not a bad thing. Also a Pom, and an Irish lass who I had difficulty understanding when she spoke.

Take care my pretties. Email me, leave comments. I miss Melbourne, home, friends, family, my cats, fresh veggies, my own bed. But apart from that, I'm happy. ;-)


At October 16, 2005 12:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello esther-poohs.
Glad you are enjoying sir toby's and that lovely box on wheels that slides under your bed. We really enjoyed our time there, twas vunderbaar. The supermarket up the street (it's to your left when you walk out the front door) has delicious rolls with pumpkin seeds in them and also a lovely array of luncheon meat. Ha.

We miss you muchly. Hope prague treats you nicely!



At October 19, 2005 12:07 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...

box on wheels under bed. good. also one of them in yellow hostel, rome. good. we tried to stay in sir tobys but on account of us booking something like a week before and it almost being PEEAAK season (rather than just plain peak season) it was ll full. but we got plenty of cats. and a man who called the map a "schematic layout". several times!

mirabell. good. esther von, you should change your name to MIRRORBALL instead. then you could have a garden of MIRRORBALLS.

Our Mary had a baby prince. i wonder if it will grow up to turn into a frog? that is about the news from australia.

i have put some other messages on your blog, too. go look.


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