To quote my new god, Kurt Vonnegut: If this isn't nice, what is?
I am in Venice and am so happy to be here I could cry. (Or that could be because the price of Internet useage here? It's so hard to tell in these high emotion situations.) Everything is good: the food, the Peggy Guggenheim, the Grand Canal, the hostel (yes, even the hostel), the Italian wine, the coffee (especially the coffee). What is also good it my putting away of my map, so that: a. I am not technically lost, and b. I can avoid all the tourists (yes, I know I am also a tourist!). The weather is fine and sunny, though frikkin' freezing.
I love Venice! I want to live here and make like I'm Jeanette Winterson writing The Passion.
ps. I have totalled the poll results and ... actually I'm too lazy to find another way to Barcelona, so the night train it is. But don't worry, everything will be locked to everything else, and Erin, I'm sure I will be ok without a shower in the morning! And then I go to Home Hostel, which better live up to everything youse guys, E&J, R&D, have said about it!!
EVEN THE HOSTEL?!?!?!? well, i'm very gald you took our advice and didn't stay at the campsite!!! i think it would be worth paying a little extra to stay in venice. internets is very expensivo. when you get to spain you will be pleasantly surprised (i hope) because it's much cheaper. have you taken a boat out to the northern islands? you should - they're very pretty, and i imagine deserted at this time of year!... with the no shower on the train thing, i took toothbrush and a change of undies, socks and a tshirt in my daypack so i could at least change and brush my teeth in the morning. if you have any of those refresher towels, the morning after the night train is the time to crack them out (they might even give you one with brekkie if you're lucky!)... have fun! we are envious!
Dan here - I wrote a big long comment to your last post, but for some reason, it got swallowed up by the giant spider that controls all things interwebby. Which is a shame, because it really was great - it had a big poem in it and everything. But now it is gone forever. Just like the australian workers' rights.
Anyway, enjoy the last leg of your trip. Enjoy Home hostel (go to the Lidl Supermarket and buy drinkable red wine for 1EURO! Buy lots of it!). Enjoy Barcelona, and enjoy your
See you SOON!!!
ahaha i just saw a glimpse of venice on tv (something farcical about the low resale value of palaces?)and the snap they showed was oh so very jeanette-writing-the-passion so it is highly amusing to have that image twice in a few hours..
enjoy venice :)
i also say good move not going to the caravan park- we were there at this time of year and it is deserted and cold and there are no shuttle busses....good move with the hostel
have a ball on the night train :<
im very jealous of you and your being in venice and barcelona ... even jealous of the night train if that could be possible (although i am feeling unclean as i type..)
miss you
erin :)
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