Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Two things

There are two things I hate the most. More than I hate Eddie Maguire and Shane Warne, as difficult as that might be to believe. The first thing I hate the most is worrying about money. The second thing I hate the most (and possibly hate more than the first one because one can't block it out quite so easily) is: looking and applying for jobs. The two are inextricably linked.

So I have applied for one job today. That's good, huh? Now I need a drink.

I hate self-promotion and all that employment related jargon. I'm no good at it. Isn't it enough to say I'm a fast learner, I'm friendly and I have a pretty face - employ me! Please! And I realise more and more that I don't want a "proper job" - not that anyone seems to want to give me one. I just want to write my book, paint some pictures, play some music and maybe, one day, make a film. These things seem easy enough to do (well, except the film part), but very hard to actually "DO" - ie. make a living out of. I am endlessly facinated by how other artists actually do it. How they survive. How they make enough money to eat and pay rent and do what it is they really want to do. I haven't yet worked out a way to do it myself, but I want to - and this year hopefully. I guess a lot of them teach - something I can't exactly see myself doing, but maybe I should think about it. Damnit.

I guess the other thing that makes this all rather hard is that I have actually found my dream job, the job I'd love to do part time and spend the rest of the time in my garret with my cat and what I like to call my tragic writerly disposition. In Prague, there are people who drive around the city in soft-top vintage cars, showing tourists the sights and generally disobeying the road rules - like driving down by the river where cars, I'm sure, are not meant to be. This is the job I want! Ever since I was about 6 years old I've loved vintage cars and used to collect them, the matchbox model ones that is. And I love Prague and I'm sure I could be selective and try and avoid the obnoxious rich American tourists. And I will no doubt, one day, get my driving licence, which I think might help in this position.

My other dream job is to travel round the world going to film festivals to pick out films to show at the festivals back home. How does one get this job? Would it be a proverbial foot-in-the-door if I started working at a video store? Has the fact that I was so enthusiastic about the film 'Tiptoes' in my previous entry ruined all my chances?

Other than that ... I don't know. I'm all out of ideas. Any one out there want to employ me?! Just leave a comment. Please. And remember, I've got a pretty face...! (I think. Or so my mother tells me. But I never believe her.)


At January 04, 2006 7:21 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...



At January 04, 2006 7:21 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...

not hobbits, either, or midget fauns. stay away from them. they will eat your soul AND YOUR BRAINS!

At January 05, 2006 11:49 am, Blogger Esther said...

wow, that is extraordinarily helpful. children = not dwarves. right. i'll try and remember it.

anyone else?

At January 05, 2006 10:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

as a teacher i can safely support the children=not dwarves statement. i was under the the false impression that they in fact were dwarves and, on my first day, was sadly dissapointed.

esther i had no idea you were into cars ohmygod lets get together and read 'vintage and veteran' car magazines. i am partial to 'streetmachine' myself.

At January 06, 2006 7:20 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...

streetmachine?!?!? i remember the days back in the newsagency/post office, where i would unpack that magazine from where it lay docile in its protective box, and guide it gently out into the real world. IT WAS AT MY MERCY, i tell you!!!

esthervon, you've already heard my useful ideas. i save my silly ones for your blog. perhaps you should steal pirate boots and sell them on ebay...

At January 06, 2006 7:40 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...

esther, i know you could be a writer, if only you took some advice from this review of a random fan fic:

Instead of "He walked out of the room in a huff" try" "Irritated beyond all reasonable limits he threw daggers at the wench with his frosty blue eyes as he stormed out of the worn motel doorway"...

i'm not sure who is wearing the motel, but they sure have been wearing it hard to get it looking so worn.


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