Thursday, November 24, 2005

Hold your jealousy for one more day ...

Italy doesn't seem to want to let me go! Either that, or my own incompetency is finally catching up with me. Heartbrokenly, I left Venice and took a nice mostly-empty train to Milano, eating a picnic of cheese, tomato and bread, and mini chocolate filled coissants while I read The Guardian. Went up to Counter A at Milano Centrale, only to discover that my planned night train was not so well planned after all: did not leave that day, only the day before and the day after. So, here I am, having a night and a day in Milano where previously I thought I'd be on a train and then in Barcelona. Oh well, I thought! It's all an adventure, eh? So then I have to go up to a different counter at Milano Centrale to get my ticket for the night train, let's call this counter Bitch Counter of Death. The woman at BCoD is unfriendly and follows what seems to be a "tried and true" method with foreigners who don't speak the language: you speak louder and slower like that will somehow help them overcome their "little problem" with understanding what you say. This goes really well for Bitch Counter Lady and I. But we progress to the part were I pay for ticket reservation, only to discover their credit card facilities don't work at this particular special counter, so I have to scamber off and find a "Bankomat" to get out cash. By the time I get back I'm laughing at how stupid the whole situation is, which I think puts Bitch Lady out a bit. Anyway... All well and good in the end. I have my ticket, I found a hostel where I met a nice redhead Dutchie, I have filled up on a big pasta lunch, I have managed for the most part to avoid getting freezing cold, despite it being freezing cold outside. And tonight I get on my night train and wake up in Barcelona! For that, I can't wait.

I feel like a freak here in Milan for the following reasons: a. I'm not blonde, b. I haven't had something unnatural injected into my face, c. I don't really care what I look like, well, not enough to actually do my hair. I just put on a hat (my "Paris" hat for any of those who are familiar with my Travelling Hat Collection). In fact, I can't remember when I last washed my hair... Hmmm, there's something for me to ponder. Well, I'll definitely do it in Spain though! Reason d. for my feeling like a freak here is that a pigeon nearly landed on my face. My face! Not my head - my face!

I quote the following which made me at least rather excited: "Spain 25 November 2005" which is from, under a heading: "Release dates for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)" Heh heh heh! I know what I'll be doing on Friday!

Well, I will be sad to say goodbye to Italy, but not to Milan. But I am looking forward to summer! Australia! The Nova! My cats! My own bed! Oh my ...! I am actually counting down: this is my 9th last day in Europe. But hopefully I won't be counting in Barcelona. I'll be too busy taking in all the Gaudi and the awkward teen wizards!


At November 24, 2005 8:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh! Aren't we lucky that Rail Bitches only exist in Europe...OR DO THEY? There's scary question for you. Maybe they're all Centrelink workers or as public transport cops in the Antipodes. Hmmmm.

So only nine days? My my! How times does fly...

So Venice is nice, is it? Did you meet a beautiful pre-pubescent blonde boy and die there? (*If you haven't read or seen 'Death in Venice," do so) That's what all the cool kids are doing, I hear.

As for the surgically altered people of Milano, well, don't they make you glad you can move your face?

Enjoy the night train, which by all accounts sounds like a whole big bag of travel fun. (What if it was like the Knight Bus in Harry? It would be quicker, but would probably make you hurl, what with all the darting and weaving around...)

Looking forward to having you back in close proximity where I can poke you affectionately with a stick and other pointy objects.

Keep safe and well and happy...


Rachel. (The other one.)


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