Voyeurism, verbal abuse and Lars von Trier
Ok ok, I modify my last entry. I don't *hate* working. I just don't particularly enjoy it, but that's probably because I haven't yet found or been able to get a job I actually like/care about/am interested in. But I'm planning to try and fix that. One day. I hope.
I am truly becoming an office nerd. Have taken to sitting at a desk by the window, opening the blinds and getting some natural light in through the dusty dirty windows. The office is on the ground level when you walk in the front door, but by the time you get to my desk at the back of the building, it's sunk to a metre or so below ground level. The floor of the office doesn't actually slope or anything. Weird, huh? Anyway, through the dust and grime of the never-cleaned windows, I get to see people walking past, all from a nice angle of below ground level, looking up. Not that I can see up skirts or anything. Well, not without a mirror. *Ahem* I mean, nothing. And the excitement of yesterday - this is where the office nerd part comes in - was seeing someone get a parking ticket. My life has new meaning. Next I'll be telling you about matching stationery.
Actually, more exciting than the parking ticket was having a charming gentleman customer swear his head off at me because his direct debit didn't go through because he didn't have the money in his bank account and hence couldn't use his mobile phone because he had no credit. And it was all my fault! Of course.
But maybe more exciting than that was my discovery of a chap who works there who looks so uncannily like Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier that I think perhaps he IS Lars von Trier and I am actually a cast member in a Dogme film, I just don't know it yet. This does give my working life a whole new meaning. I wonder will Emily Watson or Björk turn up one day? Or Nicole Kidman? Or Catherine Deneuve? Can I fool myself into actually looking forward to work? Can I now pretend I work in the filmmaking world?
Have I told you yet that the 'von' in the title of this blog is my homage to Lars von Trier? And the 'von' in his name was apparently acquired because when he went to film school, as a humble Lars Trier, he found the other students so wanky and pretentious that he added the 'von' to his name to take the piss.
don't you be knocking the starionery fetish. there are SO MANY types of post-it note out there. not to mention other tagging stickers with arrows. and matching notebooks in different colours...
if i go broke, can i blame you, too?
also, wow! dogme... you are soon to be uber-famous.
moroccan soup bar is my god. wow. let's go again!
hey EvJ! I was on the U-bahn the other day and the lady sitting across from me was reading a book by one Esther von something (not Johnson). It made my eyes go big and my eyebrows lift up and the corners of my lips turn up. And, of course, it made me think of you. Awwww. Can there be another Esther in the world who is tampering with her name in homage to the great von Trier?!?
Hey U-bahn user! I want to use the U-bahn. The trams in Melbourne are rubbish, RUBBISH, i tell you. (you probably already know that and maybe that's the REAL reason why you don't live here anymore!) chickpeas, says you. moroccan soup bar, says i. they make chickpeas sexy, and i defy you to prove that they were sexy before! i want recipes! actually, i do want your recipes: charlie's curry, your soup, other things you guys cooked for me when i was in berlin. though it's not urgent, because those meals seem rather like cold-weather-food and as you may or may not know, we be in the midst of summer here. hooray!
YUMFOOD. i remember canneloni, with more or less double letters, and a bottle of australian red, and watching sean of the dead... and... birth? with our nic?! heheh. i need to make that cannellonnii, with fewer or more double letters, and eat it again. or maybe wait for michelle and charlie to return and make it for me. because i am lazy. esthervonjohnson, update your blog, or i will sell your soul to esthervonwilliams or esthervonorourkedegraaf.
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