Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A new season, a new beginning

It's raining and just starting to be cold - well, colder than summer, but not cold compared with Europe winter or even autumn. But luckily I have a number of warming things: freshly baked hot cross buns, chicken soup (cure for the common cold), dressing gown, a furry lap warmer who gets bigger day by day, and the music of Draco and the Malfoys (warms the cockles of my heart). So all in all, not too bad. But I'm still cold!

ALSO - I quit my job! Yay, no more unhappiness there! No more abusive callers! Hopefully no more call centres for me! I see out the week (most of which has been spent in bed or on the couch watching Buffy, drinking chicken soup and trying to get over said common cold). Then I have one week holiday/unemployment (however you choose to see it). Then I start my new job at a cheese/deli shop, Curds and Whey, at the Vic Market. Which will give me better hours (ie. less - more conducive to being, as they say, 'artistic') and less money (but does that make you - ie. me - happy? Answer: no.) So no more trips to Europe for me in the near future, but hopefully less depression/job-related-dissatisfaction with life in general/being an alcoholic (ha ha). Also probably less boot and/or shoe buying and I may have to put off buying box set of the new series of Doctor Who (hint: birthday/June). But I hope my life can be more what I want it to be, and me more the person I want to be - which, in general, is a happier one.

Toby would like to report that his research into the kitchen sink and the properties of water are going well, as is his exploration of new and exciting cupboards of the house. His obsession with food continues to grow as does his belly and body in general. My neck and shoulders are becoming more scratched as his sharp little claws have to hold up more weight when he settles himself on my shoulders. Mental note to self: wear cat-protective clothing any time when in the house.

Launched (like a rocket) new band with four sevenths of the original members of the Northcote Military Tatu of Death. New band, until we decide otherwise, is called Satan's Bunnies. Hopefully we will rock. On a regular basis. In the music room or basement of my house. Maybe not always with a kitten on my shoulder, pouncing on my fingers as I try to play the cello. Amusing, but not very practical.


At April 07, 2006 8:07 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...

esther, you never told me you had COCKLES in your hert! alarm! you should get them checked out by a specialist. well, at least your gp.

toby's charming intervention in your cello playing was rather amusing...!

and YAY! your last day of odaphone HELLONASTICK today. i thought of you. guess what? the other esher who works at curds and whey is a friend of paulina, who i work with. crazy!

At April 08, 2006 4:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Esther!
Yay to you for quitting the shit job! Really - so good.

A new band, eh? Think you can top the NMToD, eh?

Oh - I think you're all pussies (no offence to Toby) complaining about the 'freezing' weather. It's still warmer in Melbourne than it is in Berlin!!! We had one fifteen degree day last week and it was balmy, I tell you, balmy (see comments from previous post)!

I'm off, like rotting meat - it's Andy's birthday party tonight (which actually marks our ONE YEAR IN BERLIN!!! We arrived just in time to make it to her b'day party last year, so really, our one year anniversary is tomorrow. Wowzers)

Enjoy your pussy, Esther.

At April 09, 2006 1:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya chappies,

No, I don't think we could *TOP* NMToD, i mean, who could? NMToD is the top, the butch, the dominant one. Satan's Bunnies is NMToD's bitch. Like Keith Richards to Mick Jaggar. Oh yes.

Yeah, I know we're wimples about the weather. Nothing to Europe - as I said in the post! Congrats on 1 year in Brrrlin!

So, I am officially no longer working at crappoholecallcentreofdeath. And hopefully no more call centres from here on in. Depends, obviously, on how desperate for money I become. My 'special skill' of talking to animals hasn't really proved that useful yet. But the novel! The works of art! The Buffy watching! These things I can give all my time to.

Meanwhile, anyone got any good book recommendations for me? Oh, maybe I should just go out and get me some Ali Smith.

At April 12, 2006 4:12 pm, Blogger thebooklender said...

Hey! Esther! Enjoying your week of no workiness.

Did you end up seeing history of violence? Did you like the brothely love?

At April 13, 2006 10:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

e, updated our photobucket. some pix of scotland up.

At April 15, 2006 3:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Yes! Ali Smith is great! I love her! I recently received a 25 euro gift voucher from some of my students for my b'day (sweethearts) and I bought Jeanette Winterson's 'Weight' (a 'contemporary' retelling of the myth of Atlas) and I also bought Annie Proulx's 'Brokeback Mountain and other stories' which I haven't gotten around to reading yet, but I'm sure you have! I wanted to buy 'The Accidental' too, but I didn't have enough money! I've also been reading some of Arundhati Roy's essays and speeches lately. Another woman I love. I love her, I really do. Charlie is currently curled up in bed (it's 7:01pm) reading 'The Communist Manifesto'. I love him too (even though he's a dirty communist).


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