Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A many-splintered thing

Could this internet connection be any slower? Quite possibly, yes. All I'm asking for is pictures of my latest, newest, maybe one of my weirdest celebrity crushes: Jim Schembri. Have you seen what he looks like? He's cute! Not that I agree with his film reviews, but I do find his column piss-funny. So, time to initiate Operation Stalk Schembri.

Unrelated to OSS, I feel a quote is in order:

'To write or speak is almost inevitably to lie a little. It is an attempt to clothe an intangible in a tangible form; to compress an immeasurable into a mold. And in the act of compression, how Truth is mangles and torn!'
—Anne Morrow Lindberg, American writer.

Not that I believe in the concept of one truth, let alone truth with a capital 'T'. I'm far too postmodern, too much a creative arts student for that. But I feel it's relevant to my last post and nix's reaction to it – a reaction which I was quite hurt by. Part of it was that s/he made me feel like I'd inflicted some great amount of pain and damage, however unintentionally; that I was a bad friend, stupid, blundering, thoughtless. Another part of it made me feel like I was not trusted, not given the benefit of the doubt, that I was being misread in the worst possible way. That I was only writing the post because finally I had *seen*; that – to quote nix – '‘belief’ becomes tangible, visible, ‘real’ [and thus] comment-upon-able'. Rather than the real reason, which was that I thought you'd all like a change from Toby stories. (cue canned laughter).

Maybe nix just gave me a theoretical going-over, which I should have very well expected (damn post-graduate students!). In my defence, I would like to say that I wrote it as I saw it and as I had heard it and as nix had told it to me. Not even that: but as I saw it – on that one day. I was not saying this is all there is to the issue or to nix. I was not positing some Truth, or even truth, small 't'. Identity is a many-splintered thing. And doesn't being trans and all the inherent problems with language (most particularly pronouns), with how you come across to other people versus how you see yourself, etc; doesn't all this just make evident what are fissures in the very nature of identity itself? That most of us put a label on ourselves – at the most basic level: 'he' or 'she' or even just our names – and this label comes to stand for something/someone as though that thing is a unified whole, one single, easily definable thing, an inner truth. Oh whoa, flashbacks to writing essay on 'Orlando'!

Anyway, nix has apologised and I have apologised, so maybe I shouldn't even be posting this. I guess I just want to say what's on my mind, even though now I'm more wary of this whole blog thing and, well, of writing about nix, which makes me sad. Next time: less angst, less theoretical ramblings and more stories about cheese and Toby. Or reader interaction: vote as to whether I should: a.) take OSS to a whole new level, b.) shut down this blog and/or c.) become a hermit and only communicate via carrier pigeon...
“Dear Mr. Schembri, Meet Speckles, my feathery messenger friend who is kind enough to convey my highest regards to your good self...”


At June 01, 2006 12:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Esther,

Mmm. It's a tricky thing. Blogs. Blogs and the internet. Blogs and human relationships. Still haven't got my head around the whole thing. But i agree with your quote there - you are forcing something that is intangible (feelings, emotion, love, friendship - all those things that are so completely difficult to articulate with any real sense of accuracy because they are all mixed up in the horrible connundrum that is: being a completely complicated and individual human being. And of course, what is the 'truth' to you, is different to everyone else, and do you really have any real sense of 'truth', of your truth, if you never allow real honesty with yourself? ...sorry forgive this meandering discussion, am reading too much coelho at the moment...the dickhead) into a tangible form that can be put into 'words' and then typed out and then appear on a cold computer screen.

It's up to you i guess, to figure out how you use that and what your blog means to you... is this blog your journal? or a filtered journal of what you want the world to read? if its the latter then what do you need it for really? blogs are nice because they offer anonymity, but if all your readers are your friends, then that anonymity is non-existent. But yes, it adds a whole new layer of complicated bullshit to friendships and relationships when you are conducting both 'real life' communication and cyber communication with the same person/people. Mmm. I'm sure you know all this already. Sorry. I just started rambling.

Anyway. Better go.

Keep safe. I miss you.

At June 01, 2006 11:00 am, Blogger nixwilliams said...

yes, my bad (as per the apology on my blog)... i have made this mistake before, of getting all theoretical about something and up in arms as though i'm discussing lacan or butler or some other theorist, and then realising later that it was probably not the right way of approaching a friend's comments! (when will i learn?)

i think both of us have (mis)read the other as the other did not intend (possibly to a greater degree than is inevitable!), and not cut each other enough slack, and we were both hurt in the process... and, ew, so public, too! blogs!

i'm not going to write any more now, because i don't want to repeat the process and make you feel like all those things you said (which obviously wasn't my intention)...

... except to say that carrier pigeons are way cool, but i'm not quite so sure about ol' jim, or closing the blog - like julia says, it depends what it's there for. and it must be weird for people to read our communications online without knowing that both of us have apologised off/online, and (as far as i'm aware... should i doubt it?!) we will be eating cheese together in a cheesy paradise soon. if not cheese, then eggplant chips. mmm ...

At June 01, 2006 5:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW thanks for using s/he.

At June 02, 2006 1:25 pm, Blogger erin p greaves said...

oh heavens

i was reading that thinking
omigod youz guyz ar havin a foight
(notice it has not taken me long in hurstbridge to re-adopt my native dialect)

and then now youz are not

oh and i am confused..


i have thought a great deal about blogs and their purpose etc

about the concept of anonimity and then whether, if you know certain ppl (friends family etc) will be reading, that concept truly exists if you are writing to/for an audience..

i think that truly a blog is/should be completely personal and unedited expression of what you are thinking/feeling at the time: it can be academic if you want, but you do not have to reference, because it is opinion.. it can be poetic but you don;t have to feel you are in a poetry can be irraitonal and emotional because that is just exactly how you are feeling..

MY blog was meant to be about travel stories but then it wasn't, and i thought that was ok because surely i am allowed to write how i am feeling: to show that there was to be no travel stories because i was completely broken etc..
but after a while ppl started to 'suggest' that maybe it was not appropriate bc they knew of people reading it who didn't need to be exposed to that kind of rawness/reality (eg. family friends who maybe had never seen that side of me beofre..)..and that caused me to question the purpose of the thing..


but i have thought about it and come to the conclusion that it is my blog. completely my own opinion my own thoughts/ideas/feelings/views and so maybe IF IT OFFENDS PEOPLE THEN THEY CAN CHOOSE NOT TO READ IT

for example

if i write 'john howard is a moron'
it will make no difference what johnny thinks. or
susie conservativeliberalvoter if she happens to read my blog. or anyone. it is just opinion..

but then i have lost my focus with regard to you and nix etc - maybe i understand both? maybe that is the trouble with uncensored opinionesque blogs? maybe this is just a thing that those of us who are tech savvy blog geeks will have to deal with. tricky.

oh sorry esther i seem prone to ranting at the moment..what i actually meant to say was:
if you do decide to get a carrier pidgeon you must ensure it is strong (possibly bulletproof-i am looking at some crazy destinations) and can fly great distances because i will need frequent comunication (to wherever i happen to be in the world) particularly of your stories regarding toby as they are basically all i live for.

At June 02, 2006 1:30 pm, Blogger erin p greaves said...

eep i can't believe i used capitals

that is a little bit more confrontational than i intended

(also please note i was not instigating another a fight here-that bit in capitals was not directed at julia just in case you suspectet it may be and are now feeling confused that your blog may contain a fight. it was not at julia i promise!!)


ahahaha i just thought of them!


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