Thursday, May 04, 2006

Me, productive?

Somehow not having to get up at 5am (as I do 3 days a week in order to get to the Market for work by 6:30) means that I instead sleep uptil 9:45am or until Toby bites my hand/s off (like Face/Off: Nick Cage style) and I have to get up and feed him with my bloody stumps. Don't worry, they grow back by 11 or so. Then I eat my brekkie of yummyyummyyumyum blueberry bagels that make me think of Marnie stocking up on them in London before going back to the edible-food-free-zone that was Finland (Hi, Marnie, are you ever here?). Then I have a bath and read my book. So good. Damn Ali Smith. She's gone and written it. What am I meant to write now? (Said book is Hotel World, btw. Thanks Erin&Jules for the rec! I loved it!) Meanwhile, Toby fell in the bath while trying to catch one of those ever elusive corks, which at that point was floating in the water, however did it get there? It was bound to happen sooner or later - poor little soaking wet cat. But has he learnt? Probably not. Cheese for brains.

I did decipher a Tom Waits lyric which had always passed me by: "The large print giveth, the small print taketh away."

Then I did some painting, which SUCKED. Well, most of it. I don't think any of it will make it out of the studio, but I guess making it out of the paint tubes is a step up in the world for the paint itself. Maybe I should stick to little bits of ripped paper stuck together in a pretty fashion? Also international travel tickets. Hmm...

THEN lunch happened and with lunch, some all-important Buffy viewing. Which included an episode with some palpable chemistry between Oz and Xander. I love Oz - but not Xander so much. So therefore know that I AM NOT projecting. If I were projecting, I would project chemistry onto Oz and Spike, would I not?! But anyway, in said ep (from Season 4), Buffy knocks Oz and Xander unconscious and they end up lying in each other's arms! So sweet. Then later, Xander's hand is protectively on Oz's shoulder. Well, who wouldn't want to fondle cute little Seth Green?! Etc. And more. Off-screen stuff. You know how these boys are. *ahem*

So, all in all, a well used day off. At this rate I will ... ah ... achieve something ... create something ... you know?


At May 06, 2006 12:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Esther!
So impressed that you're painting - and that you have a Studio!!?!! You are on your way.

Hotel World is cool - I have a copy of it on my shelf at the moment (bought from the beloved St George's bookshop - remember?). Ali Smith's compilation of short stories, "The whole story and other stories" is also great. In fact, like Jeanette Winterson, I'm beginning to believe that anything Ali Smith writes is totally edible (eatable).

Speaking of edible (eatable), did you get the recipes?

Much love and happy painting,

At May 06, 2006 6:10 pm, Blogger danjonathantravel said...

let's hunt some cork

oh the hilarity! my neighbour (baby) was telling me about an installation piece she saw once, which was a giant fishbowl with a cat standing in it (underwater). that made me thing of toby.

and THAT made me think of pie, and that made me think of the yummy cheese i have to eat in my fridge (thanks!).

and i'm still devastated that it was Boy's last day today. :(

At May 07, 2006 4:19 pm, Blogger Esther said...

Heya dudes! So nice to see your comments here and not just on nixybaby's excellent/intellectual/regularly updated blog! Yeah, Mich, I got your recipes - thank you! perfect for this weather - and I do indeed remember St George's with fondness: so much good stuff in all the one place. Much like the book version of 'my' cheese shop, except we sell cheese, not books, and I don't know what the ali smith cheese equivalent is. maybe a nice goat's milk gouda?! anyway, i am scoping (on the scope as it were) for more ali smith. more, i say. more, MORE! the 'studio', so called, is really just a small room that used to be a storage room, and before that, in a previous life, was a sewing room, so it has all these sewing fixtures, like a thing to measure stuff stuck to the desk and lots of little shelves and possibly a zillion hooks. but it has a good number of windows, therefore lots of light and it's my own space and a space separate to my bedroom - so quite good really. plus it also has erin's easel in it (thank you erin!) which makes it look all the more artistical (is that a word and if not, why not?).

so are you chaps, e&jonthego, in london now as I heard you would be? and if so, will you be eating crepes from hampstead????! you MUST! and also, if possible, send me some... mmmmmm, hampstead crepes....... ok, i'd better go now and wipe the drool off the keyboard.

E & the watercat.

At May 07, 2006 8:50 pm, Blogger nixwilliams said...

mmm, i second that drool!

At May 09, 2006 3:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are in london.
arrived last night.
walked around sainsbury's and rejoiced at the possibility of cooking (hostel has 2 kitchens..)went to tate modern and hung out with my friend shane today.
no crepes yet - possibly tomorrow (they are high on our list let me tell you!), but everytime i think of them i get 'esther you are the bester...' stuck in my head bc i think of the line 'did you think of me when you were eating crepes in hampstead..' which gets the chorus stuck in my head for the entire day...thanks NMToD. thanks.

also ali smith 'other stories and other stories' is great :) i have it and 'the whole story and other stories' in a box somewhere..oh books. oh things.

the other day in bangkok i saw a giant cat (really a small lion), it was sandy coloured and at first i thought it was a dog..really was HUGE..and my first thought after 'gee that is a funny dog' and 'gee that is a huge cat' was 'i should tell esther about this'..

i am sleepy.
i feet gross because i couldn't wash my hair this morn because the shower (i know you will find this hard to believe considering it is in a hostel and a hostel in london at that [shane already told me he thinks we are lucky his shower doesn't even work so he has to have baths ahahaha]) was too HOT. it had no settings just on and off and it was BURNING!! random..
i am on the internet primarily bc the tube is too squashy at this time of evening so i am stuck.

luv ya gutz out ice


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