Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Exciting news!

The Private Press are going to publish one of my poems in an anthology of David Lynch inspired work. See, an Honours Degree in Creative Arts was good for something after all.

And thank you to Julia, for the heads-up about submitting to this thing in the first place. You rock.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

My brain is useless

Please help. I know I should be the one to remember this but I can't. For the life of me, I can't recall the name of a girl who was once my housemate for 3 months back in, oh, it must have been the end of 2003. And now that I realise I can't remember her name, it's bugging me. She was a geologist and was very sweet and had a tall boyfriend with curly hair named Dave (see, I remember his name). Then she got a 'proper' job and moved to Canberra. What was her name? Andrea? Renee? Jesus Christ, what?!

In other news. Chocolate. Yum. The end.

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