Sunday, April 23, 2006

Blue Orchid

I have a new love in my life. Met and tasted only yesterday and already a fixation in my dreams last night. That is, Blue Orchid - the most exquisite creamy blue cheese I have ever tasted. In fact, my new favourite cheese. Nay, my new favourite food stuff. Nay, my new favourite - love. Oh my.

So I started my new job at the cheese shop on Tuesday and by Saturday was starting to enjoy it. Working with another Esther is fun (one more for the collection!). But it's busy and kinda full on and I've never done the food-handling-being-on-your-feet-all-day thing. Well, let's just say it took me a while to feel the love.

I started with the Havati. Danish, creamy, quite nice. Kate (housemate) loved it. Then I tried some tasties/cheddars: Victorian Vintage (nice and sharp) and a club cheddar, Tilba (nuttier flavour, I prefered the Vic Vintage). Then before my shift on Saturday, Martin (other housemate) put in a request in for some blue cheeses, gave me $10 to go blue crazy. And all day long all I heard was people raving about the Blue Orchid. I even gave a couple of customers a sample of it (this being before I myself had tried some) and they swooned, the man saying all he needed was this cheese and a bottle of shiraz and he'd be set. So it's blue; I had Martin's money burning a hole in, well, my wallet; so I think, ok, Blue Orchid - I'll try some. And to 'compare and contrast': some King Island Roaring Fourties Blue. Plus staff discount. Nicey nicey, all set to rock, as they say, n'roll.

Some of you may have heard me speak of the pillar of my existance, the things that hold me up, keep me going when times are rough, shine light on the darkness of being young and free in Australia in the 21st century. You might have heard me say brie was one pillar, cheese (in general) another pillar, tiramisu a third... But all these are null and void now. I have only one pillar and it is Blue Orchid. Only one addiction. Only one vice. Only one obsession (sorry, Mr Bowie). Can I survive until my next shift on the small piece I got yesterday? Can I spend all my money on just this one cheese? Can the colour blue ever mean anything else? I tell you, I am a changed woman.

So, youse'all should come down to the Vic Market, shop's called Curds and Whey, and I'll fix you up with some too.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

last night, I dreamed I was dreaming of you...

...or say Tom Waits tells me. I love Tom Waits.

I also love Martha Wainwright, who I saw perform on Thursday night. Her competition was only The Rolling Stones who were performing across the road that same night. I love the Rolling Stones, but their tickets were something like $250 a pop, so I think I made the right choice on the night (or so my bank balance tells me). Plus Martha has a number of things going for her that the Stones do not: she is young and HOT (though Mick IS a sex god), her music is fresh and unsentimental, she is female, and she had merchandise including undies with the words "Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole" written on the bum of them (after her classic song which she teased us she would not sing, but then sung it all the same). At least, as far as I know, the Stones were not selling something similar - correct me if I'm wrong. She sure knows how to sing. Oh wow, I love her voice. If only I could sing a fraction as well as she does. She even did a Stones song: Street Fighting Man. I'm sure no one can prance and pout like Mick Jagger, and I do have a slight Mick-and-Keith inspired shrine in the kitchen and sure, as far as I know Martha is not a Time Lord (like Mick is), nor is she an undead immortal vampire-type (like Keith), but she is GREAT! *sigh* So, who wants to come with me to see her at Manchester Lane on 24th April?!?

So, what else? Toby has discovered the great outdoors. Or rather, he has been allowed to discover it and he enjoys it very much. All that space! All those new smells! All that stuff to explore! But right now he is sleeping in my lap - too much of a good thing can be quite tiring for a small cat.

Speaking of Time Lords (Mick, not Toby), I saw 28 Days Later last night, while drinking wine and toasting marshmallows on an open fire. My favourite Time Lord (sorry Mick), Christopher Eccleston (the Doctor - as in - Who) was in it, as an evvvvvvvvvvvil army man. No sonic screwdriver here. They had dyed his hair a kind of gingerish-red colour to signify his evvvvvvvilness. I could tell he was secretly missing Billie Piper. Ah, Billie... Anyway *cough* where was I? Oh yes - I want me a Cillian Murphy for the house. And not just because I fear for a zombie attack here in Ascot Vale. But I tell you, the other day I went to Puckle St, Moonee Ponds - which is the local 'strip' - and it was scary. Bogans galore. And zombies too, no doubt. AND I had no luck trying to source me some Ali Smith to read. There needs to be a Readings there, and a Cinema Nova, and a Vina Bar, and a Brunettis, and a King and Godfreys, and you might as well chuck in a Tiamo 2 while you're there. Or just move all the best bits of Lygon St, so that they're 5 mins away from me again. Not that I'm missing being so close to all of that, no, nothing of the sort...

So, go forth and listen to Tom Waits. And Martha Wainwright. And eat chocolate. Happy Egg Day, everyone!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A new season, a new beginning

It's raining and just starting to be cold - well, colder than summer, but not cold compared with Europe winter or even autumn. But luckily I have a number of warming things: freshly baked hot cross buns, chicken soup (cure for the common cold), dressing gown, a furry lap warmer who gets bigger day by day, and the music of Draco and the Malfoys (warms the cockles of my heart). So all in all, not too bad. But I'm still cold!

ALSO - I quit my job! Yay, no more unhappiness there! No more abusive callers! Hopefully no more call centres for me! I see out the week (most of which has been spent in bed or on the couch watching Buffy, drinking chicken soup and trying to get over said common cold). Then I have one week holiday/unemployment (however you choose to see it). Then I start my new job at a cheese/deli shop, Curds and Whey, at the Vic Market. Which will give me better hours (ie. less - more conducive to being, as they say, 'artistic') and less money (but does that make you - ie. me - happy? Answer: no.) So no more trips to Europe for me in the near future, but hopefully less depression/job-related-dissatisfaction with life in general/being an alcoholic (ha ha). Also probably less boot and/or shoe buying and I may have to put off buying box set of the new series of Doctor Who (hint: birthday/June). But I hope my life can be more what I want it to be, and me more the person I want to be - which, in general, is a happier one.

Toby would like to report that his research into the kitchen sink and the properties of water are going well, as is his exploration of new and exciting cupboards of the house. His obsession with food continues to grow as does his belly and body in general. My neck and shoulders are becoming more scratched as his sharp little claws have to hold up more weight when he settles himself on my shoulders. Mental note to self: wear cat-protective clothing any time when in the house.

Launched (like a rocket) new band with four sevenths of the original members of the Northcote Military Tatu of Death. New band, until we decide otherwise, is called Satan's Bunnies. Hopefully we will rock. On a regular basis. In the music room or basement of my house. Maybe not always with a kitten on my shoulder, pouncing on my fingers as I try to play the cello. Amusing, but not very practical.