Dreams and cowboys
In news just to hand: I hate working. I look back on my 6 months of unemployment, 3.5 of them spent travelling, with such fondness. Thems were the days.
One night this week I had what I like to call The Best Dream of My Life. The following night I had another dream which totally challenged the previous night's dream for said title. If you don't like hearing about other people's dreams, skip the next two paragraphs.
Dream Number 1 was a rambling, adventurous, frolicking saga filled with rock stars, time travel and trucks. The main characters (excluding I) were a posse of four, sitting in a truck. Their leader, a young Mick Jagger. Heath Ledger. Peter Serafinowicz (British comedian who is in Hardware and Spaced, was in one episode of Black Books, and also Shawn of the Dead) - normally brunette but here blonde. And a fourth chap - possibly Paul Bettany or Alan Tudyk (both of whom appeared with darling Mr. Heath in A Knight's Tale, which we watched recently, the latter also in Firefly and Serenity, the former we thought was Bingley in the latest Pride and Prejudice, but it turns out that's a totally different chap altogether, Simon Woods, perhaps his long lost identical twin?). Anyway, these four formed quite a posse, as you can imagine. Well, maybe you can't. Maybe that's just me. And their leader, young sexy rock god Mick, was a time traveller. Perhaps even, by my reckoning, a Time Lord, a la Doctor Who. There were two Rachels there too - one from the past, busy snogging Dan, the other from the present, talking to me in the back of the truck. At one point I says to Mick Jagger Hadn't you better be getting back to the 1960s and forming a band called The Rolling Stones, otherwise you'll be depriving millions of people of some of the best rock music ever. He seemed nonplussed. Which I guess, as a Time Lord, you have all the time in the world to do those sorts of things. Maybe also he didn't like being told what to do. Rock.
Dream Number 2 was set in some sort of bayside town/city, a small city, a bit like Hobart. At some point there was a noxious gas blanketing the main waterside street. At one point I was playing with a new mobile phone I had recently bought (in the dream, not in real life, but I am thinking of getting one for outside of dreams too). But the main selling point of this dream was that I spent the most part of it seducing Peter Dinklage. My favourite dwarf. I even took him to a studio to see Patricia Arquette - I thought he'd like to catch up with her. I was playing it cool. We held hands. The gas didn't get us.
I can't decide which dream I liked more, which dream gets the title.
Meanwhile, my tear ducts got a good workout in Brokeback Mountain on Thursday night. I used to be not so enthralled by Heath Ledger, but these days he could sneeze and I'd be impressed. And Jack Gyllenhaal is a dish. Y'all gots to see it. Wonderful, moving, real life stuff.